How To Clean A Jade Yoga Mat A Comprehensive Guide

How to Clean a Jade Yoga Mat: Comprehensive Guide, Tips, Do’s & Don’ts

Taking care of your yoga mat, especially if it’s a Jade Yoga Mat, is crucial to ensure a hygienic and enhanced yoga practice. Whether you’re coming back from a hot yoga session or a calming routine led by your favourite yoga teacher, the key to extending the life of your mat lies in how you clean and maintain it.

How To Clean A Jade Yoga Mat

Jade yoga mats, made with natural rubber from rubber trees, are distinct from PVC or other types of mats and require special attention. A mix of vinegar and essential oil can be an effective cleaning solution, whereas a simple wipe with a soft cloth after each session can keep your mat fresh. 

Deep cleaning, perhaps in a tub with some soap and water, becomes necessary occasionally, but always remember: never put it in the washing machine or expose it to direct sunlight while allowing the mat to dry. With Manduka and other brands offering specialized mat wash products, it’s essential to find the best way to clean and keep your mat in top condition, ensuring every yoga session is as rewarding as the last.

Key Takeaways:

  • Keep your Jade Yoga Mat clean for a hygienic yoga practice.
  • Opt for natural cleaning solutions and avoid PVC or TPE products.
  • Deep clean your mat once or twice a month.
  • Always air dry your rubber yoga mat after cleaning.
  • Regular mat maintenance and routine cleaning will extend its lifespan and keep it fresh.

Why to Clean Jade Yoga Mat?

Over time, your yoga mat becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Think about it – the sweat, the dirt, and grime from regular yoga sessions accumulate on the surface. Keeping your mat clean not only ensures a hygienic yoga practice but also helps extend the life of your mat. Regular mat maintenance and routine cleaning will help you keep your mat in good shape.

What are Jade Yoga Mats Made Of?

Jade yoga mats are made from natural rubber derived from rubber trees. This plant-based mat is known for its grip and durability. However, natural rubber is also porous, making it essential to clean your mat regularly to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria and to keep it fresh.

Understanding Your Natural Rubber Yoga Mat

Caring for a natural rubber yoga mat involves a deeper understanding of how yoga mats are made, especially when brands like Jade come into the picture. Yoga mat companies often emphasize the use of natural rubber, enhancing the life of your mat and the quality of your practice. The surface of the mat, especially for natural rubber yoga mats, requires regular mat maintenance and routine cleaning to prevent it from becoming a breeding ground for bacteria. After all, an unclean yoga mat isn’t what any yoga enthusiast wants.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Solutions

Every yoga mat, including the renowned harmony mat, benefits from a plant-based mat wash. A mixture of vinegar and water or a few drops of tea tree oil can make an excellent yoga mat cleaning solution. However, it’s essential to note that not all products suit every mat. Some products can adversely impact the natural rubber in our mats, especially if used improperly.

Regular Cleaning for an Optimal Yoga Practice

If you sweat a lot, which is often the case if your yoga involves more rigorous forms like hot yoga, the mat needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent dirt and grime accumulation. One of the best ways to clean your jade mat or any rubber mat is to lightly clean with soap, ensuring the amount of soap used doesn’t make your mat slippery. After washing, placing the mat on a towel helps absorb excess moisture. Always remember to air dry your mat, avoiding direct sunlight, and ensure you clean both sides of your mat.

Deep Cleaning for a Refreshed Yoga Mat

For those who like to deep clean your mat, immersing the mat in the tub once or twice a month can work wonders, but be cautious of the amount of soap used. Regularly cleaning or, at times, deep cleaning can help you keep your mat clean and in good condition, making sure your practice remains uninterrupted and pure.

Everyday Cleaning vs. Deep Cleaning: What’s The Difference?

While it’s recommended to wipe your mat after each practice with a soft cloth, sometimes you need a deep clean to remove accumulated dirt. Every once in a while, especially if you sweat a lot during hot yoga, giving your mat a deep clean can revitalize it and keep it fresh.

Can I Clean My Jade Yoga Mat in a Washing Machine?

Avoid placing your jade yoga mat in the washing machine as it can damage the mat’s texture and structure. Instead, the best way to clean your mat is by hand, using a soft cloth, soap, and water.

Homemade Cleaners: Vinegar and Essential Oils Mix

Vinegar is a powerful cleaning agent. Mix equal parts vinegar and water and add a few drops of essential oils like tea tree or lavender for added fragrance and antibacterial properties. This solution not only cleans your mat but also keeps it smelling fresh. Ensure you don’t over-soak the mat, as too much moisture can damage the natural rubber.

What Not to Use: Avoiding PVC and TPE Mat Cleaners

When cleaning your Jade Yoga mat, avoid products made for PVC or TPE yoga mats. These products can adversely impact the natural rubber in Jade mats. Always opt for plant-based mat washes or homemade solutions.

How to Clean a Jade Yoga Mat | Steps to Follow

Here are the steps to clean a Jade Yoga Mat:

Step 1: Regular Cleaning

For regular maintenance, wipe your mat down with a damp cloth on a weekly basis. If you have a vigorous practice or do hot yoga, you may want to clean it after each use.

Step 2: Use a Mat Wash

Jade Yoga recommends using their plant-based mat wash, which is specially formulated to clean and disinfect your mat without damaging the natural rubber. Simply spray the mat wash on your mat and wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Step 3: Use Vinegar

Another popular way to clean your Jade Yoga mat is to prepare a solution with water and vinegar. Take three portions of water and one portion of vinegar and mix them in a spray bottle. Spray the solution on your mat and wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Step 4: Use Soap

You can also use mild soap to clean your mat. Mix a few drops of soap with water and spray the solution on your mat. Wipe it down with a damp cloth and rinse it thoroughly with water.

Step 5: Deep Cleaning

For a deep clean, you can wash your Jade Yoga mat in a front-loading washing machine with hot water and no detergent. Make sure the mat fits in easily and avoid using a top-loading washing machine, as the agitator can damage the mat.

Step 6: Drying

After cleaning your mat, hang it up to dry in a well-ventilated area. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can damage the natural rubber. Once it’s dry, roll it up and store it in a cool, dry place.

By following these steps, you can keep your Jade Yoga mat clean and fresh for your yoga practice. Remember to clean your mat regularly to maintain a clean and healthy environment, particularly in shared practice spaces.

How Often Should You Clean Your Yoga Mat?

For those who practice regularly, wiping down the sides of the mat after each session is ideal. A deep clean can be done once or twice a month, depending on the frequency and intensity of your yoga practice.

How to Dry Your Mat Properly | Steps

Step 1: Absorb Excess Moisture

Immediately after cleaning, spread your Jade Yoga Mat out flat and gently blot any visible moisture using a clean towel or cloth. Avoid wringing or squeezing the mat, as this could damage its structural integrity.

Step 2: Towel Roll Method

Lay a dry towel on a flat surface, then place the yoga mat on top of it. Gently roll the towel and the mat together, almost like a sushi roll. This will allow the towel to absorb the majority of the excess moisture from the mat. Leave it rolled for about 10-15 minutes.

Step 3: Air Drying

Unroll the mat from the towel and spread it out in a well-ventilated area. It’s best to let it dry horizontally, as hanging might distort its shape over time. Ensure the mat is away from direct sunlight, as UV rays can degrade the natural rubber. If drying outdoors, choose a shaded area.

Step 4: Flip and Dry

After several hours or when the upward-facing side feels dry to the touch, flip the mat to ensure the other side dries completely as well.

Step 5: Check for Complete Dryness

Before storing, ensure the mat is thoroughly dry by feeling with your hand. Any residual moisture can become a breeding ground for mold or bacteria, so it’s crucial to make sure it’s fully dry.

Step 6: Storage

Once dry, carefully roll the mat with the practice side facing outwards. This helps maintain the mat’s shape and ensures it’s ready for your next session. Store the rolled mat in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight or extreme temperatures.

By following these steps, you’ll not only maintain the longevity of your Jade Yoga Mat but also ensure a comfortable, safe, and hygienic practice every time you unroll it.

Extending the Life of Your Jade Yoga Mat: Tips and Tricks

Keep it clean:

Regular cleaning is paramount. Every time you practice yoga, you deposit sweat, oils, and dirt onto your mat. Left uncleaned, these can deteriorate the natural rubber over time. Moreover, a clean mat provides a more pleasant and hygienic environment for your yoga practice. After every session, wipe down your mat and ensure you give it a deep clean once or twice a month, depending on your usage.

Roll, don’t fold:

Your Jade Yoga Mat is designed to be rolled up after use. Folding can create creases that may not only affect the mat’s appearance but also its structure, leading to potential weak points where the mat might tear. Always roll your mat with the top side (the side you practice on) facing outwards. This keeps the mat’s corners from curling up during your next practice.

Store in a cool, dry place:

Just as direct sunlight can be harmful when drying, storing your mat in extreme temperatures or humid environments can degrade its natural rubber material. Find a cool, dry spot for your mat when it’s not in use. This prevents any potential damage from heat and ensures that the mat remains moisture-free, preventing mold growth.

Avoid sharp objects and footwear:

When you’re practicing, it’s best to be barefoot. Shoes or sharp objects can leave marks, scuffs, or even punctures on the mat. By ensuring that only soft surfaces come in contact with your mat, you’re extending its aesthetic appeal and structural integrity.

Invest in a mat carrier or bag:

Storing and transporting your mat in a bag protects it from external elements like dirt and sharp objects. Additionally, a bag makes it easier to carry, reducing the chances of it dragging on the ground or getting caught in something, which might cause it to tear.

Ultimate Do’s and Don’ts of Jade Yoga Mat Maintenance

  • Do use natural cleaners.
  • Don’t use products made for PVC or TPE mats.
  • Do air dry your mat.
  • Don’t expose your mat to direct sunlight for extended periods.
  • Do practice regular mat maintenance.
  • Don’t use excessive amounts of soap.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can I use any cleaning spray on my Jade Yoga Mat?

No, it’s advisable to avoid commercial cleaners, especially those made for PVC or TPE mats. A mix of equal parts vinegar and water with a few drops of essential oils is a recommended cleaning solution.

How often should I deep clean my Jade Yoga Mat?

Depending on your usage and the intensity of your yoga sessions, a deep clean once or twice a month is ideal. If you practice hot yoga and sweat excessively, you might want to deep clean more frequently.

Is it bad if my mat gets too wet during cleaning?

Excessive moisture can potentially damage the natural rubber of Jade Yoga Mats. It’s essential to ensure that the mat isn’t overly soaked during cleaning and that it’s thoroughly dried afterward.

Can I leave my mat in the sun to dry?

While sunlight can help dry the mat, direct sunlight for extended periods can degrade the natural rubber. It’s advisable to let your mat air dry in a shaded area.

What should I do if my mat starts to smell?

Odor can be a sign of bacterial buildup. Deep cleaning your mat with a vinegar solution can help eliminate smells. Make sure to air it out regularly and let it dry completely after every cleaning.


Caring for your Jade Yoga Mat is akin to caring for your overall yoga experience. Ensuring that the mat is clean not only guarantees a hygienic environment for your practice but also enhances the durability and lifespan of your mat. With just a little attention to detail, the right cleaning materials, and a regular cleaning routine, you can ensure that your mat remains as inviting and efficient as it was on the first day. Remember, the mat is an extension of your yoga practice, and taking care of it is an extension of taking care of yourself.

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