how to clean a manduka yoga mat

How to Clean Yoga Mat Manduka: The Best Way to Disinfect Your Yoga Mat Using  Mat Cleaners

If you’re the proud owner of a Manduka yoga mat or planning to get one, knowing the best way to clean and care for it is essential. Yoga mats, particularly those from premium brands like Manduka, need special attention to maintain their durability and stickiness.

how to clean yoga mat manduka

For many yoga enthusiasts, the Manduka yoga mat is a prized possession, known for its durability and support. Yet, as with all valued items, it requires a certain degree of care and attention to maintain its prime condition.

This guide dives deep into the intricacies of cleaning and maintaining Manduka yoga mats, ensuring they remain fresh and ready for every downward dog or warrior pose. From daily wipes to monthly deep cleans, understanding the best way to clean your Manduka mat can significantly influence its longevity and your overall yoga experience. Read on to unearth the secrets to keeping your mat pristine and maximizing its lifespan.

Key Takeaways

  • Manduka is a premium yoga mat brand known for its quality and durability.
  • Regular cleaning, especially after sweaty sessions, is crucial for hygiene and mat longevity.
  • For the Manduka Pro series, use mild cleaners and ensure you air dry the mat completely.
  • The Manduka Eko series mats, being natural rubber, require special care and should not be exposed to harsh chemicals.
  • DIY natural yoga mat cleaning sprays, especially those with tea tree oil, are effective and leave your mat smelling great.
  • Always store your yoga mat in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain its quality and durability.

Know Your Mat: What is Manduka?

Manduka is a renowned brand in the yoga world, known for its high-quality, durable, and eco-friendly yoga mats. Their flagship mats, the Manduka Pro and Manduka Eko, are particularly popular for their supreme grip and support. Made predominantly of natural rubber, Manduka mats offer a perfect balance between cushion and stability, making them a favorite among yoga practitioners from beginners to those mastering the Ashtanga yoga sequence.

Why is Cleaning Your Yoga Mat So Important?

Regular cleaning ensures your yoga mat remains free of dirt, sweat, oils, and bacteria. This not only ensures a hygienic yoga practice but also prolongs the mat’s lifespan. Using a yoga mat cleaner, especially after intense sessions or hot yoga, helps keep your mat looking and smelling fresh.

Why is Cleaning Your Yoga Mat So Important

How Often Should You Clean Your Manduka Mat?

For regular yoga practitioners, it’s recommended to wipe down your yoga mat after every practice. However, for those who sweat more or practice hot yoga, a deeper clean might be required more frequently. Regardless, a deep clean of your Manduka yoga mat at least once a month ensures its longevity and freshness.

Prioritize your practice with a clean yoga mat that promotes a healthy and harmonious environment. Our tips encompass daily maintenance routines and occasional deep cleaning methods, empowering you to enjoy your yoga journey on a mat that’s free from dirt, odors, and distractions.

Tips on How to Clean the Manduka Pro Yoga Mat

Tips on How to Clean the Manduka Pro Yoga Mat

The Manduka Pro Series mats require special care. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Surface Clean: Spray your mat with a yoga mat cleaner or a natural essential oil yoga mat cleaning spray. Wipe it down thoroughly.
  2. Deep Clean: Mix a solution of water with a few drops of tea tree oil (for its antibacterial properties). Spray this mixture onto the entire mat and wipe it down with a cloth.
  3. Dry: Always air dry your mat after cleaning to prevent moisture from seeping into its core, which can damage the mat over time.

The Best Way to Clean Manduka Yoga Mat

The Manduka Eko series is made primarily of natural rubber. Hence, avoid using any chemicals or acidic cleaners:

  • Surface Clean: Use the Manduka yoga mat wash or a DIY mix of water and a few drops of tea tree oil to clean a manduka yoga mat.
  • Deep Clean: For a more effective clean, you can give your Eko mat a soak in a tub filled with water and mild detergent. Rinse the mat thoroughly afterward then clean the surface of your mat with it.
  • Dry: Allow the mat to air dry, avoiding direct sunlight.

Natural Essential Oil Yoga Mat Cleaning Spray: DIY Recipe

Combine distilled water, witch hazel, and a few drops of tea tree oil and lavender oil in a spray bottle. This mix not only cleans but also leaves your mat smelling heavenly!

Things to Avoid: Common Mistakes When Cleaning Your Mat

Avoid using strong chemicals or soaking your Manduka Pro series range of yoga mats for too long, as it may damage the mat’s structure. Ensure you thoroughly rinse your mat if you use any detergent and always let it air dry completely before rolling it up.

Jade vs Manduka Yoga Mat: Discover the key differences between Jade and Manduka yoga mats in our thorough examination. Find out which one aligns with your yoga preferences.

Strong Chemicals and Detergents:

The allure of using heavy-duty cleaning agents may seem like a quick fix to dirty mats, but this can be detrimental. Strong chemicals can break down the unique material of the Manduka mat, causing it to degrade faster.

Extended Soaking:

While it might be tempting to let your rubber mat sit in a cleaning solution for an extended period, especially if it’s particularly dirty, it’s a big no-no for the Manduka Pro series range of yoga mats. Extended soaking can lead to the mat losing its grip and texture.

Incomplete Rinsing:

After any cleaning, it’s essential to rinse your yoga mat thoroughly. Any residue from cleaning agents can become slippery when practicing, making poses dangerous or, at the very least, uncomfortable.

Immediate Rolling and Storing:

Always ensure your mat is fully dry before rolling it up. Storing a damp mat can promote the growth of mold and mildew, leading to unpleasant odors and potential health risks.

Direct Sunlight Drying:

Though it’s essential to air dry your mat, avoid leaving it out in direct sunlight for too long. Extended exposure to the sun can cause the colors to fade and the material to break down.

Using Abrasive Brushes or Clothes:

Stick to soft clothes or sponges. Using abrasive materials can scratch or wear out the surface of your Manduka yoga mat.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure your Manduka yoga mat remains in top-notch condition, providing a safe and comfortable surface for your practice for years to come.

Storing Your Yoga Mat: Best Practices

Once your mat is clean and dry, roll it up with the practice side facing outwards. Store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. 

Yoga mats, particularly the high-quality ones like Manduka, aren’t just another accessory; they’re an investment in your physical and mental well-being. Therefore, ensuring their proper storage is crucial. Here’s how to do it right:

Rolling Technique:

After your session and once your mat is clean and dry, always roll it up with the practice side facing outwards. This method preserves the mat’s texture and helps in maintaining its grip. Plus, when you unroll it for your next session, your mat will be ready to go.

Avoid Folding:

While it might seem space-saving, folding can cause creases or damage the mat’s structure. Rolling it up smoothly is the best method to retain its shape.

Stay Cool:

Store your mat in a cool and dry location. Extreme temperatures or humidity can adversely affect the material and longevity of the mat.

Sunlight Protection:

Direct sunlight can degrade the material of the mat over time. Always store your mat away from direct sunlight to prevent it from drying out, fading, or becoming brittle.


Ensure that the storage area is well-ventilated. Lack of ventilation can lead to the mat smelling musty, especially if there’s any residual moisture left.

Yoga Mat Bags or Straps:

Consider using a yoga mat bag or strap for added protection, especially if you’re carrying it on the go. These accessories can shield the mat from environmental elements and make transportation easier.

Regular Unrolling:

Even if you don’t practice every day, occasionally unrolling and airing out your mat can prevent any built-up smell and ensure its freshness.

By following these best practices, you not only extend the life of your yoga mat but also ensure that it remains a hygienic and supportive space for your practice. Remember, a well-cared-for mat translates to a more enjoyable and grounding yoga experience.

Benefits of Using a Yoga Mat Cleaner

To clean a yoga mat one must consider the best mat cleaners. A good yoga mat cleaner, like the Manduka mat cleaner, helps remove dirt, sweat, and bacteria, maintains the mat’s grip and texture, and can even enhance the mat’s lifespan.

Enhancing Your Yoga Practice with Clean Equipment

Clean equipment ensures a hygienic practice environment. Regular cleaning and care of your Manduka yoga mat, combined with mindful practices, will definitely elevate your yoga experience. 

Yoga isn’t just a physical exercise; it’s a holistic experience that aligns the body, mind, and soul. An integral part of this alignment is the ambiance and the tools you use in your practice. Here’s how maintaining clean equipment can truly uplift your yoga journey:

A Fresh Start:

Just as you wouldn’t like to start your day in dirty clothes, beginning your practice on a clean Manduka yoga mat sets the tone. It offers a fresh start, allowing you to dive deeper into your session without any distractions.

Hygienic Practice:

Regular cleaning keeps germs and bacteria at bay. This not only ensures your health and safety but also provides peace of mind. A hygienic environment lets you focus on your poses and breathing, ensuring maximum benefits.

Mindfulness in Maintenance:

The act of cleaning and caring for your mat can itself be a form of mindfulness. Giving attention to your equipment reflects the respect and commitment you have for your practice. This kind of reverence often translates to a more mindful and dedicated yoga session.

Enhanced Grip and Performance:

Over time, sweat, oils, and dirt can build up on your mat, reducing its grip. A clean mat ensures that you have the best possible traction, aiding in stability and balance during challenging poses.

Longevity of Equipment:

Regular cleaning and maintenance extend the life of your yoga mat. This not only saves money but also ensures you have a consistent and reliable base for your practice.

A Boosted Mood:

There’s something invigorating about practicing on a fresh, clean mat. The scent of a freshly cleaned mat, combined with its pristine feel, can be a mood enhancer, making your practice even more joyous.

Environmental Responsibility:

By maintaining and cleaning your equipment, you ensure it lasts longer, reducing the frequency of replacements. This means fewer mats ending up in landfills, making your yoga practice environmentally friendly.

In essence, a clean Manduka yoga mat is more than just a tool; it’s a reflection of your dedication to your practice and well-being. By ensuring it’s well-maintained, you’re setting yourself up for a transformative yoga experience, where both body and mind are in perfect harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Can I machine wash my Manduka yoga mat?

It’s not recommended to machine wash Manduka yoga mats. Hand cleaning is the best way to maintain the mat’s quality and structure. Machine washing can damage the mat’s fibers and reduce its lifespan.

How often should I deep clean my Manduka yoga mat?

Ideally, you should deep clean your Manduka yoga mat at least once a month. If you practice hot yoga or tend to sweat more, consider deep cleaning more frequently.

Can I use vinegar to clean my yoga mat?

While vinegar is a natural cleaning agent, it’s best to use it diluted and in small quantities on the Manduka Eko series due to its natural rubber composition. For the Manduka Pro series, diluted vinegar can be used sparingly.

How long does it take for my yoga mat to air dry?

It can take anywhere from a few hours to 24 hours, depending on the environment. It’s essential to ensure the mat is entirely dry before rolling it up to prevent mold and mildew.

Is direct sunlight harmful to my Manduka yoga mat?

Yes. While airing out the mat in the sun for a short duration can be beneficial, prolonged exposure can degrade the material and cause it to lose its texture and grip.

What’s the lifespan of a Manduka yoga mat with proper care?

With proper care and regular cleaning, Manduka yoga mats can last several years. Their quality and durable construction make them a worthy investment for yoga practitioners.

Can I use essential oils to clean my Manduka mat?

Essential oils, especially tea tree and lavender, can be used in diluted form as a part of a DIY cleaner. They offer antibacterial properties and leave your mat smelling pleasant.

I practice yoga daily. How often should I clean my mat?

If you practice daily, it’s advisable to wipe down your yoga mat after every session and deep clean it bi-weekly or monthly.

Is there a specific towel or cloth I should use to clean my mat?

A soft microfiber cloth or a non-abrasive towel works best. It effectively cleans without causing any surface damage.

Can I use the same cleaning method for other yoga mat brands?

While the general cleaning methods may apply, always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific brands. Different mats have different compositions and might require varied care.


In sum, taking diligent care of your Manduka yoga mat not only extends its lifespan but also ensures a healthy and fulfilling yoga practice. It is necessary to keep your mat clean. By understanding the unique composition of your Manduka mat, be it the Pro series or the Eko range, you can adopt the best cleaning methods that keep it fresh and free from wear.

 Remember to avoid harsh chemicals, always air dry your mat completely, and use natural ingredients like tea tree oil for effective disinfection. With these tips in mind, you can maintain the quality of your mat, ensuring it remains a supportive and hygienic space for your yoga sessions. Don’t forget to refer back to this guide whenever you need a refresher on mat care, and happy practicing!

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